Friday, 1 January 2016

On the Eleventh Day of a Feminine Christmas

This image says "New Year's Day" to me.  Perhaps it's her pastel coat and floral muff.  Perhaps she has done what I do which is to put away my fall colors and hues and bring my icy pastels to the front of the closet.  It's fun to have one's wardrobe mirror the frost and pale skies outside.

Do you watch the news?  I've eliminated most of it from my daily round.  Last night I did hear there was a terror threat in Rochester, NY, where a best friend lives.  One cannot entirely escape the events happening in the world today.  I am trusting that when I need to know something I will be told somehow.  But I still must go to work and function and so for me, I have stopped watching news programs.  Ditto, reality TV and anything about celebrities.  I prefer to spend my spare time reading and watching uplifting things that keep my spirits buoyant so that I can bring my small light to the world.  Who knows -  my "light" may actually be making a difference to someone and if it gets extinguished by news overload, how will I help?

I like to think this blog may be a beacon to some readers out there.  I really do ponder the things I write about and then my thoughts somehow meander right here to this page.  I admit to being stumped about what to write sometimes and I fear some readers may think I am naive because I do not bring world events to the blog.  Believe me, I take the events of our world very seriously and as a sensitive person, I could go overboard with empathy and it could consume me if I let it.

I believe our lovely lady in rose is about to embark on a journey to a New Year's house party at a friend's - just as I am about to do today.  And once there, I will be convivial and glad.  Glad because it is a holiday today - the very first of a brand new year.  And I don't think I am being pretentious to think that I may make someone else feel nice or ease their pain or make them laugh.  Edith Wharton once wrote, "It was an inner glow of happiness (that made the difference)...and it shone through like a light under ice"...

I shall leave you with that.

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