I'm turning 38 today! And you know what? It feels pretty dang good (I seriously always thought old people just said that to feel better about life, but no, it's really true!). I�ve enjoyed each year of my thirties - even the challenging ones. I think it�s because I feel more settled in who I am and am more confident, secure, and creative than I ever was in my twenties. There are still plenty of things to figure out in your thirties, but it seems like there is less uncertainty and turmoil. And who doesn�t like that?
So how am I celebrating today? I took the day off from work, am getting my hair done (someone else shampooing your hair is the best gift!), will probably visit this place for a wee bit (ha!), and then I�m off to dinner at Sabor Divino with some of my favourite peeps. Choco-cayenne mousse, here I come!
I'm also looking forward to having lunch with my mom. Thanks to a great idea from my fav blog, A Cup of Joe, I'm bringing her flowers. She deserves it. After all, it was a life changing day for her, too.
Here's to another great year of thirties bliss! I have to make these last two count, y'know (:
p.s. Happy Easter weekend, friends!